Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh yeah, blog...

So I've joined The Daring Kitchen, and the first reveal date (for me) is coming up soon. Which means that I should probably start working on this now, get used to writing in a away that could possibly be understandable, and that whole posting pictures thing...

But for now, I post pictures of cake. It was a red velvet cake, from a box (because the box of cake mix was cheaper than the required amount of red food dye), and made in a pan that a friend gave me for my birthday.

Isn't he cute?

A little deformed, yes. But still cute.

I am disappointed I didn't get a picture of him after cutting his head off. My girlfriend was upset with me for continuing to personify something she was expected to eat (she has been a vegetarian since she was 14, not too surprisingly).

I do have pictures of him naked though:

It's a very nice pan.

I made this when Coraline was coming out in theaters, and buttons just seemed so perfect for his little eyes. Mostly after seeing this video.

One more, of his good side this time:

Monday, September 21, 2009

We have a blog.